We had really high hopes when we joined Localslags.co.uk, and we tried it out but at the end of our experience we found this site wanting. We started this quest of finding the best fling dating sites in UK because we were sick of men having their time wasted, and this is why we are such hard critics of any site that we join. It’s also another reason why we are so in depth in all of our hook up dating analysis. We want to save you the time that no one saved us, which is why below we give you a full critique of Localslags and why you should avoid this scammer site.
Results From Localslags.co.uk: Review of Our Results after 3 Months
We joined Localslags.co.uk looking for hot women to hook up with and we actually found a few decent looking girls, but at the end of our experience we hadn’t gotten laid. In fact, we couldn’t get girls to respond to us for most of the time, and over the period of three months that’s insane. It makes us think that these profiles of good looking women are fake and that’s pretty annoying. When you join sites it like hormymatches.com or swingingheaven.co.uk you expect to find fake profiles, but we were actually expecting to get laid on localslags, so you can imagine that we were pretty disappointed. Considering that there are tons of hook up sites to choose from, you should pick a different site because this one is a total waste of your time.
Local Slags DOESN’T DESERVE YOUR ATTENTION! After we tried this fling site we were DISAPPOINTED. It was really shitty! DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME. Click on this link to find the Top Fling Sites
Why Localslags.co.uk Is a Not Worth Joining (Is It a Scam?)
There are many reasons why you should avoid signing up for Localslags.co.uk, and pick better sites while you are out browsing the pages of the internet. The main issue that we had with this site is that there weren’t any women, and if there are no women how are we going to find people to hook up with? Other than that, you have to get a paying membership to access all areas of this site, which turns into a big waste of money when you can’t find any women to hook up with. So with this in mind, we regretted joining Localslags, and wouldn’t recommend it to any of our friends.
Localslags.co.uk Review: Conclusion
There are a plethora of fling dating sites, which means it’s a buyer’s market, so you should shop around a little bit before you settle on a site with mediocre reviews. If you join Localslags.co.uk you aren’t going to find what you need, so you should probably look elsewhere for all your adult dating needs.